Thursday 16 January 2014

198 Views from St. Olaf church in Tallinn's Old Town in 2006

It was very hard to leave anything out from here... Actually these photos shouldn't exist because of my fear of heights. I went up, stepped out, started walking to the right and then saw that steeple in the corner, and the space for going around the corner was much smaller than in the edges. It was too frightening to pass a corner like this so I turned around to go back. And what I saw? A fat lady was coming towards me... Oh my God! There was no escape. I turned around, watched further away... and eventually passed all four corners. It was terrible...

But the views that I saw from there... I wouldn't remember any of them without taking photos. And here they are. So this is another less blocky post about Tallinn and it's pearl Old Town.

That should be Aegna island.

Low and flat grey Linnahall, which was called Lenin Culture and Sports Palace in soviet time. It was opened in 1981 or so, now increasingly derelict. Still not sure whether this will be demolished or not.

After taking the previous photo, somebody called me! It was my mother and she told me that we have new president from today! I was probably thinking that I would like to pass the other three corners first before I can think about anything.

Huge Lasnamäe wall far away... Such a scale!

Four Lasnamäe towerblocks. And something is being built in the Rotermanni quarter. That areas was filled with nice modern houses and was turned into a restaurant+shopping area, also for exhibitions. Nice place to visit, and it's not a big area. It is possible to walk "up" to a roof of some house, I mean, there is like kind of artificial hill covered with streets where everybody can walk.

The building of Swissotel high towers is nearly finished, they were opened next year after three years of building.

Old city wall with towers and a nice (different from others) catholic church.

Mere avenue and Rotermann quarter behind that.

Mere avenue.

Lai street coming towards St. Olaf church.

I refused to look down for a second! I just turned my camera down and later looked at that in my computer. Oh, that ugly grey house on top of the photo (on Pagari street) is renovated by now and is very beautiful, light green with yellow details.

Now turning into the railway station side.

Väike-Õismäe towers seen from far away (6 km).

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