Thursday 31 January 2013

151 Ropka, Rahu, Tähe and Aardla street area in Tartu

Here another area that I cannot describe veay easily, located at the edge of Ropka area, neighbouring with Karlova. A good friend of mine lives in this area, hence more photos than usual. The progress of time is seen in this post.


Few missing pictures added here 16.04.13:

Renovation has begun. It's the same house seen on the previous picture.

That block over there looks very cool and cozy!

Now the tall house farther has new look.


Other non-blocks look very cool too, so I included them. They look like Swedish, oldish.

Every time I passed this place I fell back in time and place.


I found my friend.

This very look was the reason why I decided to bought my first camera in 2001, after planning for several years.


Again this marvellous place on Võru street. On the left is Karlova, on the right: Ropka.


Chevrolet is not a car that you see everyday. I feel attempted to do a post of all these beautiful cars that I've seen around while taking photos of blocks.

My most comprehensive walk in that area.

The same triple from another direction.


That's the "tall" one renovated.


I like these houses so much!

Now they even renovate these!