Friday 7 February 2014

211 Pelguranna 22.04.2011, part 2 of 3

I moved further where there were newer houses from 1950's and 1960's I think, and some newer.

Two shades of yellow: although colours are not very distinctive, this is much better combination than yellow with red.

The sea, actually Stroomi beach, is over there.

"What's that strange beam of light from the sky over there?"

"Nothing, yet another dull experiment from the Moon."


Especially nice combination of colours, although little bit too bright.

I don't like these colours, but this is far better than yellow and red together.

Beauty. One of my favourites.

The same house is in the first picture: a hotel!

I really like this empty area.

Pretty unique.

Super nice building.

Windows in that side: rare.

Nice flat area again.

Hmm, I didn't realise it up to this very moment that in my post nr. 208 (pictures from 2007) there is a shop called Kajakas and little kiosks in this area -- now all taken down (or taken away?). Really? That explains very well why this are is blank. Why was it taken down then?

The same empty area.

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