Thursday 6 February 2014

210 Pelguranna 22.04.2011, part 1 of 3

I visited a friend of mine and after that decided to take a photo tour in this area, especially in the older part where I hadn't been yet. The architecture here is depressing to me, but it was spring time whihch made everything nicer. I didn't group much photos because I couldn't remember which were different and which the same. These are not blocks but pre-blocks I would say. The north part of Pelguranna that you see here is probably the first and biggest such in Tallinn. I wouldn't like to live here, it is too depressing, but I enjoyed experiencing that look and feel of that area.

First an example of a hall inside.

This is in Kopli street.

Crossing Sõle street.

Renovated house for Library.

Surprise! So nicely done, colors suit together.

But these colours are horrible together.

My opinion is that these colours together are horrible. So shiny, irritating, like a house of dolls (or kindergarten) where children go and play with them all days long.

The evening was very nice: one of the first warmer days I suspect when children were out late and made lots of noise.

Back in Sõle street. Trolley nr. 9 that comes from Mustamäe and Kristiine.

Very nice car, worth of a closer shot.

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