Thursday 11 October 2012

116 Mustamäe in 09.01.2011

I did a special walk that day because the weather was warm! It was the first sign of spring! I couldn't resist to go and enjoy this first sign. So 9.1.11.

First, a corner of the new library of TTÜ. The snow had already melted a bit, forming funny white hats on pines.

I walked further along Akadeemia way and saw this.

One of the most well known bakeries of Estonia is located in Mustamäe: Leibur. I felt very good bread smell, even hundreds of meters away.

On Kadaka way. There was so much snow that there were like corridors for pedestrians.

New buildings in this area. The gray sky was very depressive. The time the picture was taken was about quarter past four.

Very unique brand new buildings.

Then I saw a flashing light and captured it, it was so strange. But the overall sounds and light rain or something is audible too, giving good impression of what it was like.

Walking forward inside the tech-area.

Why did they put traffic lights on the roof?

Technopolis and TTÜ area.

Skype building on the right.

And of course, I did many more pictures but those were more nature-related.


  1. Ma ikka jälgin seda blogi ja nüüd - lõpuks minu kant ka kajastatud :)
    Muide, võib-olla paljud ei tea, aga Leiburis on nö vabrikupood ka. Sealt saab poehinnast odavamalt ahjusooja saia/leiba osta, soovitan!

    Aga muidu mis muud kui edu uutel rännakutel :)

  2. Väga meeldiv, eks mõningad kohad ole rohkem käidud ja mõned vähem. Leiburi varbrikupoest kuulen küll esimest korda, aitäh info eest!
